OMG (Oh, Magog!) (October 22, 2011)
Performance at Silvershed, New York, NY organized by IN THE ACT- Högkvarteret (Sweden)
“The end is going to come very, very quietly, probably within the next month.” -Harold Camping, from a Family Radio webcast, Late September, 2011
“This performance is a way to take up time thinking about The End. The end of time, really. October 21 is the re-scheduled Rapture according to Harold Camping and Family Radio. I am working on a series of projects about apocalyptic anxiety, and this performance is specifically about three unrelated strands of thought: The Rapture of Harold Camping; The Götterdämmerung of Richard Wagner; and formal strategies that indicate the end of theatrical and filmic narratives.” – from press release
The performance was split into separate parts in the space and included welding over a religious broadcast of Camping’s sermon while singing Beyond Thunderdome, and a staged analysis of arias from Götterdämmerung with Birgit Rathsmann.
Photo credit: David Kelley