(M)end Time at EXIT ART
OMG (Oh, Magog!) at Silvershed
I Ran Contraband Spirituality at La Mama
Urd Up at Lump
Building an empire and other things of no consequence...
Lesbian Sing-along for LTTR
Video Work
(M)end Time at EXIT ART
(M)end Time at EXIT ART

A series of talks/meetings/workshops that engaged and analyzed the mania surrounding post-apocalyptic anxieties in the collective psyche, but will also function as a series of consultations towards the making of a performance. Part of Collective/Performative show

OMG (Oh, Magog!) at Silvershed
OMG (Oh, Magog!) at Silvershed

This performance is a way to take up time thinking about The End. The end of time, really.

I Ran Contraband Spirituality at La Mama
I Ran Contraband Spirituality at La Mama

A mash-up spiritual practices featuring Ronald Reagan’s astrological chart and a performance to destroy it with a duet between Donald Regan (former chief of staff) and Joan Quigley (the Reagan’s astrologer).

Urd Up at Lump
Urd Up at Lump

A show about deconstructing myths by reconstructing objects.

Building an empire and other things of no consequence...
Building an empire and other things of no consequence...

Two architectures, a beaver dam and a re-creation of the Ziggurat of Ur, were built to function as both sculptural elements and speakers. Shown at Grand Arts, Kansas City.

Lesbian Sing-along for LTTR
Lesbian Sing-along for LTTR

Performance at Glasslands Gallery for LTTR journal release party with Di Otto.

I wanted to bring an older, less hip pastime of lesbian gatherings to the contemporary scene, so asked Di Otto to co-host a sing-along with me from a book she'd compiled in the 1970s. We handed out copies and everyone sang.

Video Work
Video Work